Web Search

The Web Search Task aims to explore personalization in web search sessions based on user profiles and activity with the current and previous search sessions by this user. Task participants will be provided with user profile data and logs of search activity with the objective of improving search effectiveness over that achieved in the logged search sessions. A particular focus in PIR-CLEF 2019 will be on the exploration of methods and metrics for comparative of search sessions.

Document collection

Document details

The description of the document collection and tasks is available at the following link:



The training and the test document collections are available at the following link:


Submitted papers

  • Fernando Martinez-Santiago, Miguel Angel Garcia-Cumbreras, Arturo Montejo Raez, and Manuel Carlos Diaz-Galiano, “SINAI at PIR-CLEF 2019 Web Search Task: Using explicit feedback to predict user assessments” [DOWNLOAD PDF]